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Different spiritual gifts

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. — 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

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Sleeper in a different world

Remember What World You Live In

By Justin Katz / May 12, 2024

Startled by an unfamiliar sound, you awaken on a soft bed of moss in an unfamiliar forest.  Your pulse quickens and your mind races.  Where are you?  How did you get here?  Where are your loved ones?  Are they safe?  How can you get home?  Is somebody watching you?  Will the person — or people!…

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Light streams on a man checking his mail.

Receiving the Message Needed

By Justin Katz / April 14, 2024

Sometimes we just can’t understand why God doesn’t answer our prayers. Certainly, the collection of promises and reasoning in Judeo-Christian scripture and tradition may create the feeling that, when we ask for things, God should give them to us.  Our modern sense of ourselves as choice-driven consumers who rightfully select the best option on offer…

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A robot puts a child to bed

The Responsibility of Relationship

By Justin Katz / February 4, 2024

Artificial intelligence increasingly allows us to escape (and deprived of) the responsibility of genuine relationships.

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A man prays in front of a candle reflected in a drawing of a church

Morning Prayer Practice

By Justin Katz / January 14, 2024

My prayer practices have varied over the years, as I’ve come across new materials and new ideas and as my schedule has changed, but with a general increase in time and discipline. For a while, I kept up a somewhat irregular devotion to the canonical hours, using a daily psalm book I received as a…

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A prophet crosses a chasm on a tightrope.

A Thin, Strong Thread of Communion

By Justin Katz / December 31, 2023

How long, O Lord? I cry for help but you do not listen! I cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not intervene. Why do you let me see ruin why must I look at misery? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and clamorous discord. This is why the law is…

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A bitten apple on a newly written parchment on a marble table

Living in Our Excommunicated World

By Justin Katz / December 24, 2023

Adam and Eve lived in a world of intimate connection with God until they chose to do the one thing He had left for them to choose not to do. Such a little, arbitrary thing is a bite of fruit, especially when every other tree and bush is available to harvest. They could see that…

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Jacopo Bellini's Triptych of the Nativity

Christmas and the Inspiring Drama of Day-to-Day Life

By Justin Katz / January 1, 2023

The odd mix of anonymity and profundity in the Nativity story may point to the real meaning of “keeping Christmas well.”

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A wolf appearing in networked particles.

Building Up from Stuff

By Justin Katz / December 18, 2022

Just as the purposeful, or teleological, hierarchy disaggregates down to the building blocks of Creation, so does the consequential, or nomological, hierarchy aggregate in the other direction.

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Vincent van Gogh's Still Life with Bible

An Origin of Free Will and Evil

By Justin Katz / July 10, 2022

As God’s experience of Himself diverges within the Multiverse, lesser beings emerge, with free will and the aptitude for evil.

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One Must Begin Somewhere

By Justin Katz / January 15, 2022

Beginning to put structure to a flood of ideas starts with the most fundamental reality: the Idea.

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